Eating, sleeping, movement, and mood all work together to affect your well-being. That’s why positive habits in these areas are so often encouraged.

To nurture your body and mind—and improve your mood—here are some tips for creating healthy habits:

  • Balanced blood sugar leads to a balanced mood, so avoid too much refined sugar, simple carbs, and caffeine. They may provide quick energy, but they’ll also cause your blood sugar to drop.
  • Eat fruit, veggies, and whole grains throughout the day to keep your blood sugar and energy stable.
  • Enjoy complex carbohydrates and protein at meals. This combination can have a calming effect on the brain and helps support healthy sleep patterns.
  • Get enough sleep. You’ll be more alert, energized, resilient, and able to make healthier choices throughout the day.
  • Got to bed at a set time every night. A consistent sleep schedule reinforces a healthy sleep/wake cycle and helps rebalance hormones.
  • Do about 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week to feel calmer and happier. Regular movement can even help improve insomnia.
  • Set a goal to plan at least three positive activities everyday. Taking positive action will lift your thoughts and feelings too.
  • Put your natural strengths to work and do things you excel at whenever you want to feel good.

You have the ability to create change and adopt new habits. The trick is to start with small changes.

Baby steps actually help you more than huge, radical changes. They’re easier and faster to accomplish. They fit nicely into stuff you already do. And they don’t disrupt your daily routine. Try adding just one of these habits this week and see how it goes. We think you’re going to like the way they make you feel.

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